Ani-Mayhem 2010 「アニメイヘム.com」

Rules 2018-8i31

This Version:
Previous Versions:
Ryan Richards, - Fifth Edition
Jack B. Everitt, Silver Island - (Set Two)
Jon Healy, AnimeCafe, Inc. - (Set 0)
Keith Pinster, AnimeCafe, Inc. - (Set 0)
Josh Ritter, AnimeCafe, Inc. - (Set 0)

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Table of Contents

  1. 1 Introduction
    1. 1.1 Game Objective
    2. 1.2 Basic Terms
    3. 1.3 Time
  2. 2 Card Descriptions
    1. 2.1 Symbols
      1. 2.1.1 Abilities
      2. 2.1.2 Power Cards
      3. 2.1.3 Combats
      4. 2.1.4 Disasters
      5. 2.1.5 Genders
      6. 2.1.6 Special Categories
    2. 2.2 Skills
    3. 2.3 Categories
      1. 2.3.1 Horde
    4. 2.4 Card Requirements
    5. 2.5 Characters
      1. 2.5.1 Rules for Characters
        1. Rules for Transforming Characters
    6. 2.6 Enhancements
      1. 2.6.1 Rules for Enhancements
    7. 2.7 Equipment
      1. 2.7.1 Rules for Equipment
    8. 2.8 Flash Effects
      1. 2.8.1 Rules for Flash Effects
    9. 2.9 Global Effects
      1. 2.9.1 Rules for Global Effects
    10. 2.10 Havens
      1. 2.10.1 Rules for Havens
    11. 2.11 Items
      1. 2.11.1 Rules for Items
    12. 2.12 Locations
      1. 2.12.1 Rules for Locations
    13. 2.13 Disasters
      1. 2.13.1 Rules for Disasters
        1. Ally Disasters
        2. Allying with Characters
      2. 2.13.2 Major Disasters
        1. Rules for Major Disasters
      3. 2.13.3 Minor Disasters
        1. Rules for Minor Disasters
    14. 2.14 Combat cards
  3. 3 Deck Construction
  4. 4 Playing the Game
    1. 4.1 Setting Up the Field
    2. 4.2 Setting Up the Decks
    3. 4.3 Play Phases
      1. 4.3.1 Discard Phase
      2. 4.3.2 Reload Phase
      3. 4.3.3 Maintenance Phase
      4. 4.3.4 Equip Phase
      5. 4.3.5 Move Phase
      6. 4.3.6 Scavenge Phase
    4. 4.4 Combat
      1. 4.4.1 Charm Combat
      2. 4.4.2 Charm Combat with Disasters
      3. 4.4.3 Charm Combat Between Players
      4. 4.4.4 Physical Combat
        1. Protecting
      5. 4.4.5 Combat with Disasters
        1. Combat with Multiple Disasters
      6. 4.4.6 Combat Between Players
    5. 4.5 Winning the Game
    6. 4.6 Miscellaneous Rules


  1. A List of Skills
  2. B List of Categories
  3. C List of Actions

1 Introduction

If you are familiar with Japanese animation, you know you're in for a treat. If not, you are about to be introduced to a stunning art form. Ani-Mayhem was created and produced with love for anime. We've made the things that drew us to anime part of Ani-Mayhem. Manic hunts through its scrambled worlds give a taste of anime's magic and incredible variety. Each new game will plunge you into an Aniverse of your own creation. We hope you have as much fun playing Ani-Mayhem as we had creating it.

1.1 Game Objective

You will construct a playing Field using special Locations. Under the Location cards, you will hide Items and Disasters. Using teams of Characters, you will retrieve as many Items as you can. Special power cards can be used to strengthen your Characters and weaken your enemies. But the Disaster will try to stop you at every turn by destroying or stealing Items from your Characters, and by trying to kill your Characters. When playing with others, each player will use their own deck of cards. You will all play on a Field made up of the Locations and Items belonging to all of the players. You will also be fighting against the Disasters belonging to all of the players. When all the Items are taken or destroyed, the player with the most Items wins. Unless the Disasters retrieve the most Items, then they win, and all the players lose. That is why Ani-Mayhem is the first collectible card game to work with many players, or played as a solitaire — because the real enemies are the Disasters. It is also why in Ani-Mayhem it is important to know when to team up with your opponents against the Disasters you both are fighting…and when to stop.

1.2 Basic Terms

These are the terms of Ani-Mayhem you will encounter throughout these rules and on Ani-Mayhem cards.

An Attack:

The sum total of all the Attack abilities, including all bonuses, of all Characters or Disasters attacking a single target.


A Character is Bonked when its Health is reduced to 0 or below, but not Killed. When a Character is Bonked, all of the Enhancements the Character had are Discarded, and any Equipment or Items are dropped below the Location. The Character must then be removed from play for 1 complete Turn. After a Bonked Character has been out of play for 1 Turn, it may be placed back in your hand during your Reload phase as one of your draws, completely healed.

Bonking is a sub-type of Defeat that applies only to Characters.


To make invalid another card's effect; that card is Discarded.


When a Character or Disaster has its Health is reduced to 0 or below they are Defeated.

A Defeated Character is either Bonked or Killed.

A Combat Disaster is neither Bonked nor Killed, simply Defeated.

When a non-Combat Disaster completes the actions described in its instructions, it is Defeated.

Defeated Disasters are Discarded.


Remove a card from the game.


Remove a card from play and place it in its owner's Discard pile.

Driver / Pilot:

The Character that is in control of a vehicle that requires a Driving or Pilot skill.


Items and Equipment may be Dropped any time. They may go in a Haven or under a Location. If they go under a Location they must be Scavenged.


All Locations in play.


Running Away, but for Disasters. When a Disaster flees you do not get a final, unanswered attack.

Group / Party:

The Characters belonging to one player that are traveling together. For a Character to join a group they need only travel with other Characters belong to the same player. To leave a group a Character must move to a different Location than the other Characters belonging to the same player.

There is a limit of 4 Characters per group.


The base Health of Characters and Disasters is equal to their base Defense ability. Bonuses to Defense do not affect Health.


Prevent an opponent from leaving their current Location.

In Play:

All cards that are being used, those on the Field, and those that are Off Field (Global Effects and most non-Combat Disasters) are considered to be In Play. Cards under Locations, Draw and Discard piles, and the cards in players' hands are not In Play.


When a Character's Health is reduced to the negative of their base Health, they are Killed. The difference between 1 Health and the negative of the base Health must be overcome in a single attack, otherwise the Character will only be Bonked. Killed Characters are Discarded and cannot be brought back into play during the Turn they were Killed.

Killing is a sub-type of Defeat that applies only to Characters.


Moving from 1 Location to another, which takes 1 point of Movement. A Character may move up to its Movement ability each Turn. Disasters will always take their full Movement.

No Action:

(Paralyze, Incapacitate)

Primarily, the Character or Disaster cannot move or attack. See: List of Actions

Off Field:

Cards that are not played on Locations. Global Effects are played Off Field. Most non-Combat Disasters are played Off Field. These cards are still in play.


Any other Character or Disaster your Characters are in Combat with. Or any other player in the game.


In Parlay, players may negotiate alliances against Disasters, agree upon non-conflicting Movement, etc.

Run Away:

Taking the coward's way out of Combat. If you want your group to Run Away from Combat, say so at the beginning of any Combat round. The opponent will get one final, unanswered attack upon your Characters. Move any remaining Characters 1 Location. This will end your Turn.


A Character or Disaster attempting to steal a card must be at the same Location as the Character or Disaster with the card to be stolen. The thief may take the card and get 1 full movement before anyone can attack.

If, after stealing an Item, you move to a Location where there is a Combat Disaster, the Disaster will try to take the Item from you as in normal play.

If a thieving Character already has an Item, it won't get a move after stealing from a Disaster because the Disaster would automatically attack for the Item the Character had when it stopped to steal from the Disaster.


Power cards and Items that have a number uses may only be used once per round of Combat, or once per Turn.

Unless stated otherwise, Characters' special abilities, and abilities given by Power cards may only be used once per Turn.

1.3 Time

Flash Effects, Global Effects, Haven abilities, and cards that say "Flash Effect" are the most fast acting cards. "Immediate" does not imply a card is as fast as a Flash Effect.


The time it takes for a player to go through all of their Phases.


The time it takes for a Disaster to make its way from where it entered the Field to where it exits the Field.


The time it takes for Disasters and Characters to attack and counter-strike once during Combat.

Unless stated otherwise, round refers to physical Combat.


The amount of time a card stays in play for the player that plays it. For cards that last a limited number of Turns, the first Turn is the Turn it was played. The card is Discarded at the end of its last Turn.

2 Card Descriptions

2.1 Symbols

2.1.1 Abilities

The five basic abilities:

Attack Icon Attack, and Damage

Defense Icon Defense, and Health

Movement Icon Movement

Charm Icon Charm

Energy Icon Energy

2.1.2 Power Cards

These symbols appear in the upper left corner of Power cards.

Enhancement Icon Enhancement

Equipment Icon Equipment

Flash Effect Icon Flash Effect

Global Effect Icon Global Effect

2.1.3 Combats

These symbols will appear in top-left and bottom-right corners of Combat cards.

Combat Icon Combat

Charm Combat Icon Charm Combat

2.1.4 Disasters

These symbols indicate whether a Disaster is Minor or Major.

Major Disaster Icon Major Disaster

Minor Disaster Icon Minor Disaster

2.1.5 Genders

Male Icon Male

Female Icon Female

2.1.6 Special Categories

These symbols may appear below the image in place of the category being listed at the bottom of the card.

Haven Icon Haven

Dimensional Icon Dimensional

Planetary Icon Planetary

Science Icon Science

2.2 Skills

If there is more than 1 of a skill it is listed as x2, x3, etc.

Ryoga Hibiki has Strength x2 and Mr. Masamichi Fujisawa also has Strength x2, so together they have Strength x4.

If a card has an 'anti-skill' it is listed as -1, -2, etc.

Akane Tendo has Cooking -1, for good reason, and Ukyo Kuonji has Cooking x2, 1 of the Cooking skills is negated by the 'anti-skill', and together they end up with a single Cooking skill.

Some skills lend their possessor to certain groups for the sake of terseness in the card text. A Character with the Student skill may be referred to as a student, a Character with the Teacher skill may be referred to as a teacher, etc.

See: List of Skills

2.3 Categories

Some cards have one or more categories listed between brackets, « », at the bottom of the card, however, the Dimensional, Haven, Planetary, and Science categories will appear as a small icon below the image.

When a card states it affects a certain kind of card, look for a matching category on other cards.

Desert Face Mask allows you to Scavenge any Desert Location, such as Desert of Bleached White Bones .

See: List of Categories

2.3.1 Horde

If a card has a Horde category, every other like card in play is +1 Attack & Defense. Look at the other cards' categories to see if a Horde will give it a bonus. Hordes will not give other Hordes bonuses unless they have another category in common. Multiple Hordes will give multiple bonuses.

With two Dr. Weelo's Bio-Men and an Ebi-Furiya in play, the Bio-Men would each be +1 Attack & Defense from the other, and Ebi-Furiya would be +2 Attack & Defense.

2.4 Card Requirements

Some cards require certain skills, abilities, and categories in order to be used. Locations are a prime example.

The most basic requirements are skills, followed by categories. However, the items below are requirements that go beyond simple skills or categories.


A female Character.

Hot Springs House requires 3 Females.


A male Character.

Tank Police HQ requires 2 Males.

Any Element:

Air Element, Earth Element, Fire Element, Ice Element, Lightning Element, or Water Element.

Ifurita's Tomb requires Priest and any one of the six elements.

Ability N+:

A specified ability of at least N.

King Kai's Planetoid requires an Attack of at least 4 and a Strength skill.

Missile Walk requires a Movement of at least 4.

Illusion Piercing:

This card requires a special ability, namely the ability to pierce Illusions.

Nanami Jinnai has it, and I Like to Watch gives it.

Another Card:

This card requires another card in order to be used. The other card is usually a Character or an Item.

Tsunami requires Tenchi, The Master Key , which in turn requires the Royalty skill and allows additional Power Gem .

There are cards with requirements that are not listed above, and are not skills or categories. They are not listed here because the requirements are detailed on the card itself, and are not abbreviated as the items above are.

2.5 Characters

Characters have purple faces and purple backs. They have five Abilities listed in buttons on the lower left of the card, and two text boxes. The top text box lists the skills the Character possesses. The bottom box may have Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories. Characters are either male or female.

Character Diagram

[List of Characters] [Full text of Characters]

2.5.1 Rules for Characters

You may have any number of Characters in your Haven but no more than 6 on the Field at any time.

You cannot attack opposing Characters under your control if only to Bonk or Kill them.

An opposing Character cannot be forced to use a card with a cost.

Your Characters charm Makoto Mizuhara , who has Ifurita's Power Key Staff and Interdimensional Teleport . Makoto cannot be forced to use the Interdimensional Teleport.

Characters are free to pick up, drop, and transfer accessible Items and Equipment during any phase. Rules for Transforming Characters
  • 1-card transforming Characters only transform when the conditions on the cards are met.
  • You must have both cards for 2-card transforming Characters to use either in your deck.
  • One counts towards your deck, the other does not.
  • Keep the second card out of play.
  • You may transform a Character from one form to another during the Movement phase by sacrificing that Character's move.
  • A Character that is transforming cannot be moved that Turn except by a Disaster.
  • Remove the card for the first form from play when the Character transforms, and bring in the second card.
  • If a transforming Character is forced to transform, it will not be able to transform back without a card that transforms it.
  • A single player cannot have both forms of a transforming Character in play at the same time.

2.6 Enhancements

Enhancements have blue faces and purple backs. They many have any number of Abilities listed on the lower left of the card. Costs are listed above Bonuses. Enhancements have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Enhancement Diagram

[List of Enhancements] [Full text of Enhancements]

2.6.1 Rules for Enhancements

Once played, they can never be transferred and are only removed if the host card Killed, Bonked, Defeated, or Discarded, or by a card that specifically removes an Enhancement.

Enhancements played on Vehicles can only alter existing abilities (Attack, Defense, Movement, etc.).

If an Enhancement has a cost, it must be met in order to play the Enhancement.

If an Enhancement has a cost, it is paid as long as the Character has the Enhancement.

If the cost becomes unpayable, the Enhancement cannot be used. Turn the card over.

If an Enhancement has a modifier before an ability (add (+), subtract (-), multiply (x), or divide(/)), it modifies that ability. If there is no modifier, the Enhancement's ability replaces the Character's.

2.7 Equipment

Pieces of Equipment have blue faces and purple backs. They many have any number of Abilities listed on the lower left of the card. Costs are listed above Bonuses. Equipments have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Equipment Diagram

[List of Equipment] [Full text of Equipment]

2.7.1 Rules for Equipment

A Character may carry as many Equipment cards as you wish. A Character cannot use more than 1 piece Equipment to give a bonus to the same ability per Turn even if that Equipment gives a bonus to another ability.

If an Equipment has a cost or requirement, the Character using the Equipment must pay the cost or meet the requirement.

If an Equipment has a modifier before an ability (add (+), subtract (-), multiply (x), or divide(/)), it modifies that ability. If there is no modifier, the Equipment's ability replaces the Character's.

When an Equipment has its own Defense, not one that modifies Defense, treat it as having Health. Health is not automatically restored at the end of the turn. When Health = 0, Discard.

Unless stated otherwise, a Vehicle that can carry another Vehicle may only carry a Vehicle of a lower class. A Planetary Vehicle can carry a Flying Vehicle or a Vehicle. A Flying Vehicle can carry a Vehicle.

Unless stated otherwise, "Vehicle" applies only to non-Planetary, non-Flying Vehicles.

Characters in Vehicles cannot use their special abilities. Any Character that is in a Vehicle when it runs out of Health takes 1 Damage to their Health.

If a Vehicle is used in Combat, other Characters in the group cannot engage in Combat until the Vehicle stops.

2.8 Flash Effects

Flash Effects have blue faces and purple backs. They may have any number of Abilities listed on the lower left of the card. Costs are listed above Bonuses. Flash Effects have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Flash Effect Diagram

[List of Flash Effects] [Full text of Flash Effects]

2.8.1 Rules for Flash Effects

Flash Effects are played throughout the game, except during the Draw phase.

Flash Effects work in last-in, first-out order.

You can use a Wrath of the Eye of God to Discard an opponent's Wrath of the Eye of God before it takes effect.

If a Flash Effect has a cost or requirement, the Character using the Flash Effect must pay the cost or meet the requirement.

If a Flash Effect has a modifier before an ability (add (+), subtract (-), multiply (x), or divide(/)), it modifies that ability. If there is no modifier, the Flash Effect's ability replaces the Character's.

2.9 Global Effects

Global Effects have blue faces and purple backs. They many have any number of Abilities listed on the lower left of the card. Costs are listed above bonuses. Global Effects have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Global Effect Diagram

[List of Global Effects] [Full text of Global Effects]

2.9.1 Rules for Global Effects

Global Effects are played Off Field. Unless stated otherwise, they affect all of your Characters.

If a Global Effect has a cost or requirement, the Character using the Global Effect must pay the cost or meet the requirement.

If a Global Effect has a modifier before an ability (add (+), subtract (-), multiply (x), or divide(/)), it modifies that ability. If there is no modifier, the Global Effect's ability replaces the Character's.

When a Global Effect with uses runs out of uses, it is removed from the game.

2.10 Havens

Havens have green faces and purple backs. Havens have one text box with the special ability that particular Haven gives. All Havens have the Haven special symbol to the bottom left of the picture window.

Haven Diagram

[List of Havens] [Full text of Havens]

2.10.1 Rules for Havens

Havens are where you store Equipment, extra Characters, and Items you pick up during the game.

To add an additional Haven to the Field, 3 Characters must remain at a Location for 2 Turns doing nothing except "building" access to the Haven. You may then place the Haven adjacent to the Location during the next Equip phase.

You have complete control over who gets to enter your Haven. Another player may move their Characters over your Haven without asking you, but may not stop there without asking your permission. If you do allow another player to stop at your Haven, that player has free access to it and may take out any Items or Equipment there. If you have Characters there, you can Combat that player's Characters if they try to take something you don't want them to take, but if you have no Characters there, they can take whatever is there. They also don't have to leave until they want to or you force them out.

Havens with Attack and Defense can be used to attack adjacent Locations and to defend against unwanted intruders.

2.11 Items

Items have tan faces and silver backs (previously purple). Items have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Item Diagram

[List of Items] [Full text of Items]

2.11.1 Rules for Items

Item cards are kept face down until they are used.

If an Item has a cost or requirement, the Character using the Item must pay the cost or meet the requirement.

If an Item has a modifier before an ability (add (+), subtract (-), multiply (x), or divide(/)), it modifies that ability. If there is no modifier, the Item's ability replaces the Character's.

A Character does not need to pay a price or meet a requirement to carry an Item, only to use an Item.

A player must reveal which Characters have how many Items, but not the specific Items.

Discarded and Destroyed Items count towards the Disasters' total.

Discarded Items cannot be brought back into play. There are no exceptions.

2.12 Locations

Locations have green faces and green backs. Locations have one text box with the Requirements, and any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories.

Location Diagram

[List of Locations] [Full text of Locations]

2.12.1 Rules for Locations

A group of Characters cannot stop on a Planetary Location unless each Character in the Group has the Planetary symbol or is in a Planetary Vehicle.

A group of Characters cannot stop on a Dimensional Location unless all Characters in the Group have the Dimensional ability.

Locations cannot be Discarded, though some cards will specifically state they destroy Locations. If a Location is Destroyed, Discard all cards at the Location and turn the Location over and leave it where it is. Destroyed Locations still count for movement. Characters cannot stop on Destroyed Locations but Disasters can.

If a group of Characters, without the required skills, stops at a Location with Attack, the Location Attacks each Character. The Location attacks once per Turn. If the Characters are in Combat, the Location also attacks once per Combat round. No Combat cards are drawn.

If a Location has Defense, you can Scavenge it without the necessary skills by attacking it. You get 1 attack per Turn. You must continue attacking it until the Location's Health is 0 or below.

Hot Legs has a Defense of 8. On the first turn your Characters' attack is 9. This brings the Location's Health to 7. After getting a little more fire power, your Characters' second attack is 12. This brings the Location's Health to 3. On the third turn your Character's attack for 12 again. This brings the Location's Health to -1. They can Scavenge the Location.

If you attack another target or leave the Location you must start over.

Certain Locations can become Havens if you can bring the needed Characters and Items together at the Location after revealing all Disaters at the Location. Required cards and bonuses are explained on the Location. Once a Location becomes a Haven, Disasters and Characters owned by other players cannot stop on it unless given permission by the owner.

2.13 Disasters

Disasters have orange faces and purple backs. They may have any combination of abilities or none at all. Disasters have one text box with any Instructions, Flavor Text, Quotes, or Categories. Disasters may or may not have a gender.

2.13.1 Rules for Disasters

Disasters that have Attack, Defense and Movement abilities are Combat Disasters.

A Disaster that states "Moves Once." only moves when drawn from the Draw piles. If it turns up during Scavenging it does not move.

If a non-Combat Disaster is drawn from the Draw pile it will affect the first group along the Disaster movement path belonging to the drawing player. If cannot affect any group belonging to the drawing player it will affect the first group along the Disaster movement path belonging to any player. If the Disaster can not affect the Field, it is Discarded.

Only Combat Disasters pick up Items, and they can only carry 1 Item at a time. If a Combat Disaster does not already have an Item, it will pick up an Item from the first Location it stops on that has an Item. Disasters will not reveal or use an Item.

If a Combat Disaster stops at a Location where there are Characters with Items, the Disaster will automatically attack a random Character having an Item.

If a Combat Disaster stops at a Location where there are Characters without Items, the Disaster will automatically attack a random Character.

If a Combat Disaster Bonks or Kills a Character with an Item, the Disaster drops the Item it was carrying beneath the Location, and takes the Item the Character had.

If a Character Defeats a Disaster with an Item, the Item is dropped beneath the Location.

Disasters always move their full Movement each Maintenance phase.

When a non-Combat Disaster without Movement completes its actions it is Discarded.

If the instructions of a Disaster with Movement are not applicable then the instructions are ignored until they are applicable. A Disaster will attack even if it cannot perform its special ability.

If a non-Disaster card becomes a Disaster it is treated as a Minor Disaster unless stated otherwise. Ally Disasters

When a Disaster allies with another Disaster, the two Disasters move as a group. The direction of the group's Movement is dictated by the primary Disaster, and is limited to the slowest Disaster. Allied Disasters attack with with their combined Attack abilities while each Disaster defends itself. When allied Disasters take an Item, it will go to the primary Disaster first if it does not already have one. Allying with Characters

When a Disaster allies with your group of Characters, the Disaster moves with the group. The group's Movement may be lowered by the allying Disaster. The Disaster must be included in the pool of potential targets as though it were one of your Characters. While it is allied with you, no more than 2 opposing Characters may attack it at a time, the same limit as a Character. Aside from where it moves, you have no direct control over the Disaster.

2.13.2 Major Disasters
Major Disaster Diagram

[List of Major Disasters] [Full text of major Disasters] Rules for Major Disasters

When a Major Disaster reaches the end of the Field it will Destroy the Item it was carrying and re-enter the Field at the top-right.

2.13.3 Minor Disasters
Minor Disaster Diagram

[List of Minor Disasters] [Full text of Minor Disasters] Rules for Minor Disasters

When a Minor Disaster reaches the end of the Field it will Destroy the Item it was carrying and is itself Discarded.

2.14 Combat cards

Combat cards have red faces and red backs. They have two halves, one for Physical Combat, and one for Charm Combat. Each half has its own icon in the top left corner. Combats have two text boxes containing Instructions, one for each half. They also may have any number of Ability modifiers.

Combat Diagram

[List of Combat cards] [Full text of Combat cards]

3 Deck Construction

You build your own deck using your own cards.

The standard deck is 4 / 21 / 1 / 11 (7) / 7 / 21 / 21 = 86 (82 used). See below.

If a card name has text in parentheses, there are special considerations for the number of copies you may have in your deck. You can have any combination of the different names up to the limit for the card type, or 1 of each version, whichever is greater.

Gren Clone (1st form) , Gren Clone (2nd form) , Gren Clone (3rd form) , and Gren Clone (4th form) . You can have 3 of any single version, or 1 of each.

If you are not playing with Charm Combat, cards with a Charm cost cannot be used (excluding Combat cards).

Starting Characters:

4 per deck. You may only have 1 of any particular Character.

Power Cards:

Power cards are the following types of cards:

  • Enhancement
  • Equipment
  • Flash Effect
  • Global Effect
  • Extra Characters
  • Extra Havens

You may have as many Power cards as you want, with the following restrictions: You may only have 1 of any particular Character or Haven. No more than 3 of any particular Enhancement, Equipment, Flash Effect, or Global Effect.

Your Starting Characters and Haven are not counted as Power cards for determining the number of Disaster to use. You cannot double up a Character or a Haven, one as a starter, and another as a Power card.

Starting Haven:

1 per deck.


You must have 1.5 times as many Items as Locations. Round up. The remaining Items after Field Setup will not be used. No more than 3 of any particular Item.


The number of Locations to use is your choice, except that it must be an odd number. No more than 1 of any particular Location.


2 per Location. 1 for every 3 Power cards. No more than 3 of any particular Disaster.

At least 1/2 must be Combat Disasters. At least 1/3 must be Major Disasters.

You cannot use non-Combat Disasters that cannot affect you.


Minimum 21. There is no limit to the number of Combat cards you may have. No more than 3 of any particular Combat.

Some cards will say they have a different limit per deck. Follow the instructions on the card.

Water Kettle is limit 6 per deck.

4 Playing the Game

If there is any conflict between what is written on a card and what is written in these rules, the card wins.

4.1 Setting Up the Field

Decide who will go first. You will take turns placing Locations. Shuffle your Locations. Turn over, and place the first Location. The rest of the Locations must be placed adjacent to a Location already played, in any of the 8 compass directions. Havens are placed in the same manner as Locations, with the exception of shuffling. You may play your Haven instead of a Location only after all players have played at least 1 Location.

Field Placement Diagram
  1. Shuffle your Disasters.
  2. Take turns placing Disasters face down under the Locations, 1 or 2 at a time, until all Locations have 2 Disasters.
  3. Shuffle your Items.
  4. Take turns placing Items face down under the Disasters, 1 at a time, until all Locations have 1 Item.

Place your starting Characters, or a token representing them, at your Haven.

4.2 Setting Up the Decks

  1. Shuffle your Power cards.
  2. Draw 7 cards for your hand.
  3. Shuffle the remaining Disasters and Power cards; this is your Draw pile.
  4. Shuffle your Combat cards; this is your Combat pile.

Decide who goes first and skip to the Equip phase for the first Turn only.

4.3 Play Phases

4.3.1 Discard Phase

Discard any cards in your hand that you do not want. Discard any cards in your Haven that you do not want.

4.3.2 Reload Phase

Draw 1 card at a time until you have 7 cards in your hand or until you Draw a Disaster that can affect the Field.

If you draw a Combat Disaster it enters the Field at the top-right Location. as you are looking at it. If you draw a non-Combat Disaster that cannot affect the Field, discard it, and continue drawing cards. If you draw a non-Combat Disaster that can affect the Field it will target the first group on the Disaster movement path. See Maintenance Phase for Disaster Movement diagram.

4.3.3 Maintenance Phase

Any Disasters you brought into play that are capable of Movement are moved. Disasters are moved a number of Locations equal to their Movement ability. Disasters are moved down a column of Locations, and upon reaching the bottom they move to the top Location of the next column to the left.

When a Disaster gets to the last Location of the leftmost column it moves Off Field. This is the end of a Disaster's cycle. Any cards the Disaster is carrying are Destroyed. Minor Disasters are Discarded. Major Disasters re-enter the Field at the first Location of rightmost column.

Disaster Movement Diagram
4.3.4 Equip Phase

You may play 1 Characters from your hand into your Haven. You may play 1 piece of Equipment into your Haven. You may play 1 Enhancement on a Character in your Haven. You may play 1 Global Effect.

4.3.5 Move Phase

Move your Characters any number of Location up to their Movement ability.

Character Movement Diagram
4.3.6 Scavenge Phase

To begin Scavenging, your Characters must 'attempt' the Location by trying to meet the requirements for the Location they are at. If they do, they have 'entered' the Location. They may now continue on to the next step.

Which is to turn over the first Disaster under the Location.

If it is a non-Combat Disaster, you must Defeat it or endure its effects. If a non-Combat Disaster cannot affect the Field, it is automatically Defeated.

If it is a Combat Disaster, you will have to fight it.

After Defeating a Disaster, you may stop Scavenging, or continue by turning over the next Disaster. If you stop, you must 'leave' the Location (you don't move anywhere) and must meet the requirements again if you wish to re-enter the Location.

If a Character with a required skill is Bonked or Killed during Scavenging, you may continue to Scavenge the Location that Turn so long as you do not leave the Location.

After all Disasters have been dealt with, you may retrieve any Items and Equipment from beneath that Location.

You may only initiate Scavenging once per Turn.

Scavenge Diagram

4.4 Combat

Combat consists of Charm Combat followed by Physical Combat.

Charm Combat is optional. Discuss it with the other players before the game.

During Combat, spent Energy is regained at 1 point per round of Combat. All expended Energy is restored at the end of Combat.

Damage to Health is accrued during Physical Combat. The Health of any Characters or Disasters that are still alive at the end of Combat is immediately restored to full.

Unless stated otherwise, you must be at the same Location as your opponent to attack or counter-attack.

If you run out of Combat cards, shuffle the Combat Discard pile, it is now your Draw pile.

4.4.1 Charm Combat

Characters may Charm Combat other Characters or Disasters that have the Charm ability. Characters and Disasters with a base Charm at or below 0 do not engage in Charm Combat (0, -1, etc.).

4.4.2 Charm Combat with Disasters

If Characters enter Combat with a Combat Disaster with Charm, the Disaster will automatically initiate Charm Combat first.

Disasters will attack a new random Character each round.

Draw a Combat card for the Disaster and a card for the Character being attacked, in that order. Apply the Charm effects of the card(s) drawn for the Disaster and Character in the order they were drawn, then apply any effects from the cards drawn for the opponent that effect the Character or Disaster, in the order in which they were drawn.

If the Disaster has a higher Charm it wins, and the Character is Charmed. If the Character has a higher Charm it wins.

Any Character not Charmed by the Disaster can attempt a Charm break of another Character. This is done by beating the Charmed Character with twice the amount it was Charmed by. Draw a Combat card for both Characters.

Charmed Characters cannot attack the Disaster until the Disaster attacks them.

If all the Characters at a Location are Charmed, the Disaster will take an Item from the Location if one is there and leave on the next Turn.

If a Character wins Charm Combat against a Disaster, that Disaster cannot attack the Character until the Character attacks that Disaster.

If all your Characters win Charm Combat against a Minor Disaster, you can make the Disaster perform 1 action, or prevent 1 action. See: List of Actions

Example: Combat Charm with a Disaster

Ryoko , Naomi Armitage , Akane Tendo , and Launch (Bad) enter into combat against Kagato .

Kagato attacks Launch.

  • Kagato's 6 (5+1) Charm is higher than Launch's 4 (5-1) Charm.
  • Launch is Charmed.

Kagato attacks Akane.

  • Kagato's 3 ((5+1) / 2) Charm is same as Akane's 3 Charm.
  • It is a draw.

Kagato attacks Armitage.

  • Kagato's 4 (5-1) Charm is less than Armitage's 5 Charm.
  • Armitage wins.

Kagato attacks Ryoko.

  • Kagato's 1 (5-2-2) Charm is less than Ryoko's 3 Charm.
  • Ryoko wins.

Ryoko will to attempt to break Launch's Charm.

  • Ryoko's 7 (4+3) Charm is 4 higher than Launch's 3 (5-2) Charm.
  • 4 is twice what Launch was Charmed by.
  • The Charm is broken.
4.4.3 Charm Combat Between Players

Each player will take turns selecting their Attacking Character and the target, or passing their turn, starting with the player that initiated Combat.

Each player will draw a Combat card for their own Character. Apply the Charm effects of the card(s) drawn for each Character, then apply any effects from the cards drawn for the opposing Character that effect the Character, in the order in which they were drawn.

If the attacker has a higher total Charm, the defender is Charmed. If the defender has a total Charm twice that of the attacker, the attacker is Charmed. If not either, nothing happens, and Charm Combat continues with another round of selecting Characters.

A Character can attempt a Charm break of another Character. This is done by beating the Charmed Character with twice the amount it was Charmed by. Draw a Combat card for both Characters.

Each Character can attack once, be attacked once, and have one Charm break attempted on them.

At the conclusion of Charm Combat, each Character can make the Character it Charmed perform 1 action, or prevent 1 action. See: List of Actions

4.4.4 Physical Combat

In Physical Combat there is an attack by the attacker, and a counter-attack by the defender. Attack and counter-attack happen simultaneously in the same Combat round.

Start by noting the starting base Health for all Characters and Disasters involved. Health is equal to Defense excluding modifiers (Enhancements, training, etc.). Only modifiers specifically stating Health affect the base Health.

Attack - Defense = Damage.

Health - Damage = Health.

Attack cannot be less than 0. Defense cannot be less than 0. Protecting

Each Character in the Combat can either attack or protect another Character. Up to 2 Characters can protect another Character.

If a Character is protecting another Character, the player must declare which Character it is protecting. The Defense ability of the protecting Character is added to that of the Character it is protecting. A Character which is protecting another Character cannot attack. The protecting Character takes half the Damage that gets through the combined Defense, the target takes full Damage. The protecting Character will always take a minimum of 1 Damage per Combat round.

4.4.5 Combat with Disasters

The Disaster will attack a Character from one of two pools. First, the Disaster will attack a random Character having an Item. However, if no Character has an Item, then a random Character will be attacked.

During each Combat round, up to 4 Characters can attack a Major Disaster, and up to 3 Characters can attack a Minor Disaster.

The Disaster chooses its target first. The player then chooses which Characters will counter-strike or protect and any Equipment they will use, before Combat cards are drawn.

For each round of Combat you will draw a Combat card for the Disaster, and a card for each Character being attacked, in that order. Apply the effects of the Combat card(s) drawn for the Character or Disaster in the order they were drawn, then apply any effects from the cards drawn for the opponent that effect the Character or Disaster, in the order in which they were drawn.

Add up all of the attacks against one Character or Disaster, including bonuses. Subtract the defender's total Defense. Any positive number left is the Damage the defender takes to its Health, and is subtracted from the defender's Health.

Combat continues until:

  1. The Disaster flees (most don't).
  2. The Disaster is Defeated.
  3. All Characters are Bonked or Killed.
  4. The Characters Run Away.
Example: Combat with a Disaster

Ryoko , Naomi Armitage , Akane Tendo , and Launch (Bad) enter into combat against Dracula .

Akane has an Item, Barbells , so Dracula will attack her.

Akane, Armitage, and Launch will attack Dracula. Ryoko will protect Akane.

  • Armitage (4) + Launch (3) + Akane (4) = 11 Attack.
  • Dracula's Defense is 5.
  • 11 Attack - 5 Defense = 6 Damage.
  • 5 Health - 6 Damage = -1 Health, Dracula is Defeated.
  • Dracula's Attack is (6 + 2) = 8 Attack.
  • Akane's Defense is (4 - 2 + 4) = 6.
  • 8 Attack - 6 Defense = 2 Damage.
  • 4 Health - 2 Damage = 2 Health, Akane survives.
  • 2 Damage / 2 = 1 Damage, Ryoko also survives. Combat with Multiple Disasters

Disasters are fought one at a time. If none of the Disasters at a Location states it attacks automatically, a player may choose which Disaster to Combat first. Attacking one Disaster does not necessitate Combat with another Disaster at the same Location. Disasters are solitary by nature and if a Disaster wasn't going to attack you anyway, it won't do so just because you are fighting with another Disaster at the same Location.

If Characters are carrying Items, or if more than one Disaster at a Location attacks automatically, Disasters attack in the order they arrived at the Location. If Disasters arrived simultaneously, the strongest one attacks first. Calculate by the Disaster's Attack, then Defense, then Movement, then Energy, then Charm if needed.

4.4.6 Combat Between Players

Each Character in the Combat can either Attack or Protect another Character.

A player must declare target Characters for any of their attacking Characters. Up to 3 Characters can team their attacks against the same target. Up to 2 Characters can protect the same Character.

Players take turns declaring a target to attack or protect, with the attacking player going first.

The players must choose what Equipment the Characters will use before Combat cards are drawn.

Players use their own Combat cards.

For each round of Combat you will draw a Combat card for each Character that is being attacked. Apply the effects of the Combat card(s) drawn for each Character in the order they were drawn, then apply any effects from the cards drawn for the opponent that effect the Character, in the order in which they were drawn.

Add up all of the Attacks against one Character, including bonuses. Subtract the defender's total Defense. Any positive number left is the Damage the defender takes to its Health, and is subtracted from the defender's Health.

Combat continues until:

  1. All Characters on one side are Bonked or Killed.
  2. One side Runs Away.
Example: Combat between Players

Ryoko , Naomi Armitage , and Launch (Bad) will attack Leon McNichol , who is being protected by Dailey Wong . Leon will attack Launch.

  • Ryoko (4) + Armitage (4) + Launch (3 + 5) = 16 Attack.
  • Leon (2 + 2) + Dailey (2) = 6 Defense.
  • 16 Attack - 6 Defense = 10 Damage.
  • Leon takes 10 Damage and is Killed.
  • Dailey takes half of 10 for 5 Damage and is also Killed.
  • Leon's attack is (2 + 2) = 4 Attack.
  • Launch's Defense = 3.
  • 4 Attack - 3 Defense = 1 Damage.
  • Launch takes 1 Damage and keeps on kicking.

4.5 Winning the Game

The game ends when more than half of the Items have been retrieved by the players or captured by the Disasters.

If the Disasters get more than half of the Items, they win, and the players lose.

If the players get more than half of the Items, the player with the most Items wins.

4.6 Miscellaneous Rules

If you look through your Draw pile to pull out or move certain cards, shuffle the remainder of your Draw pile afterward.

Rock / paper / scissors never ends in a tie, keep playing until someone wins. If you're playing a solitaire game, flip a coin instead.

Discarded cards always go into the card owner's Discard pile.

Card instructions pertaining to a specific card overrule conflicting card instructions pertaining to more than one card.

Kozo Karino "…may Scavenge any Police Location." Shinjuku Police Building , a Police Location, states "Kozo Karino cannot Scavenge this Location." Shinjuku Police Building overrules Kozo Karino.

If a player attempts to improperly use a card, the card is not Discarded or used—treat the card as if the player hadn't tried to use it in the first place.

Unless stated otherwise "All X" refers to all X at a Location or all of a player's X.

C List of Actions

The following is a list of actions a charmer can make the Charmed do:

  • Release a Charmed Character
  • Hand over an Item
  • Attack
  • Protect
  • Move
  • Perform special abilities
  • Use an Equipped card

And here are a few more actions:

  • Scavenge
  • Steal
  • Use cards
  • Equip cards
  • Exchange cards

All of the above actions are prevented when a Character or Disaster "has no actions". In short, no actions means no actions.

Unless stated otherwise, Characters can always Run Away from Combat.

Defense is not an action, it is automatic.