Ani-Mayhem 2010 「アニメイヘム.com」


Like Brother, Like Sister


To enable Ani-Mayhem in OCTGN:

  1. Start OCTGN
  2. Click Games Manager
  3. Click Add Game Feed
  4. Enter "Ani-Mayhem" for Name
  5. Enter "" for Feed URL
  6. Click Add
  7. Click "Ani-Mayhem" in the left column. Wait several seconds.
  8. Click "Install" next to the Ani-Mayhem entry in the middle column
  9. Enjoy

Download Image Pack

To enable card images in OCTGN:

  1. Start OCTGN
  2. Click Games Manager
  3. Click Add Images Packs
  4. Browse to the Cards.o8c file you downloaded
  5. Click OK
  6. Enjoy